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The Lightarian AngelLinks™

Survival to Thriving

The AngelLinks begin your journey with the Angels in such a profound and loving way. A perfect energetic foundation for the Lightarian journey.

Lightarian AngelLinksTM are inspired by and designed to create extraordinary connections with Seraph Rose Aura (a seraphim) and Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel.

The purpose? To advance spiritual development.

  • Receive five unique and permanent guideship connections to pivot you in your day-to-day life.
  • Shift from surviving to thriving.
  • Expand the pure angelic qualities of unconditional love, non-judgement, courage, beauty, and joy within your energy fields supporting Higher Self trajectory shifts in your life path.


Cost - $699

Private Sessions

Certified Lightarian AngelLinks


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    © 2007 copyright Lisa M. Sobry. 

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